AM Best has affirmed the Financial Strength Rating of A++ (Superior) for the members of MedPro Group (MedPro), which includes Wellfleet Insurance Company.
These superior ratings reflect MedPro’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as “strongest”.
Expanded access to at-home HPV screening directly aligned with Biden Administration’s Cancer Moonshot Call to Action
Wellfleet Global improves standard international student health plans through generous medical benefits, including best-in-class pharmacy and behavioral health options.
With STIs on the rise, Wellfleet takes leadership role in offering its college partners convenient, accurate, and discreet at-home solutions for sexual health.
The addition of FreeStyle Libre CGM is a move that aligns with Wellfleet’s core tenet of improving access and eliminating cost as barriers to obtaining…
The company’s ratings benefit from the explicit and implicit financial support provided by its affiliate, National Indemnity Company and MedPro’s parent company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Our innovative and proprietary platform is designed to make quoting, implementing, and administering workplace benefits more accurate and efficient for brokers and clients.
Wellfleet will offer student health plan members access to Narcan and Naloxone at no cost in 2021, as part of its industry-exclusive student drug formulary.
Explore the other key initiatives and achievements from our first year as Wellfleet.